
Dirk Gross

Dirk is a prolific painter and true artist. Watching him work in the studio makes it clear he is a veteran of the creative process. He is always experimenting with new processes, keeping his work fresh and the results show. His abstract paintings are beautiful, thoughtful and keep the viewer guessing how he made it. Dirk’s art studio is a labyrinth of art supplies, experimental work, trials and errors, unusual tools, printing presses and even priceless antique apparatuses that seem to go on and on. Dirk’s appreciation for the creative process is showcased in his studio, a true makers space - but the most remarkable part is the gorgeous works of art that grow out of it.


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Dirk on Dirk... 

"Born in Dessau in 1966 as the third of five children of a model maker and a nurse, my early life was strongly influenced by the GDR regime.

"I discovered my love of painting at an early age. I have always painted and captured everything that moved me in pictures. It is an inner whisper that I simply follow. Classical music has touched me deeply since early childhood. But I was also interested in technology and science. Then I discovered sports and became a successful amateur boxer and an officer candidate. I loved my home country.

"As an adolescent, I began to rethink my attitudes more and more. To question politics. I refused to serve in the armed forces. Became an enemy of the system. I left the GDR at 18 and went to the West in 1984.

"My professional journey there took me through countless stations. I was an insurance salesman, a landscape gardener, farm laborer and civil engineer. Eventually I became a truck driver. I lived in Spain, Italy and France. My journey through life is characterized by treading new paths, taking detours and rarely the direct path.

"In 1996, I finally found my true calling and have dedicated myself to the artistic path ever since. I continue my life's journey in every canvas and in every brushstroke. Since 2009, you can find me in my studio in the artists' quarter at Oststraße 3 in Warendorf."  - Dirk Groß

"Reddish light"

Earlier, when still black riders, conflagrations and dark waving flags have been in my soul realms to find, shone here and there a red.

In the dream-direction-book maybe a little bit bloodier than meant, it was the messengers of the feelings, which murmured there from the heart above.

But in spite of all this darkness there were again and again light places, as if even the blackest war banner of the freedom could not cover sun.

September 13, 2022


When I was a kid, I saw pictures everywhere.

In curtains, wallpaper and tiles.

In moss-covered stone groves, under huge fir trees, I wanted to live. But even for that I was not small enough.

Waving curtains made the world outside seem self-made. I learned to see through flags at that time.

Today, some banners are no longer what they once were, what they stood for.

But even through them I can still see and the world behind them "IS" self-made.

And even behind it, I can see what a great intendant is standing behind the fallen Theater curtain, applauding us.

September 11, 2022


The night is not night

And Darkness is not Darkness

Death is not death

And pain is not pain

From the perspective of the other

From the perspective of being opposite

From the awareness of the Now

From the love of the heart the All is

And everything has no opposite

No alternative

Only dedication and silence

A unique, eternal sound is the swinging of the "All-that-is".