
A Rough Night At The Height Of Your Career

Mixed media on stretched canvas. Joi collages on her canvases in a way particular to her style. She uses zippers, poof balls, cups, googely eyes, hot glue, and a variety mediums to create different paint effects.

150 x 150 cm



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More about Joi Murugavell

Joi’s art has all the energy and vibrancy of a completed children’s coloring book. Her drawings come to life in mostly primary and secondary Crayola colors and are populated by a curious cast of playful characters. Joi’s drawings also share the mode of expression found in a child’s drawing. Under the happy, colorful exterior are real issues being dealt with in raw fashion. On second glance, the cast of characters maybe involved in or stating in scrawling text an adult sentiment or situation. Her drawings encapsulate simultaneously the light as well as the darkness of the human condition.